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Night lights, also known as artificial night lighting, are the artificial lights used to light up the night. Night lights are an integral part of our lives. They are used in homes, offices, shopping malls, streets, parks, factories, airports, and almost everywhere to provide us with illumination when the natural light of the sun is absent. Night lights have many different functions and advantages. They can offer safety and security from burglars and criminals because they can provide an area with sufficient illumination at night. They can also reduce traffic accidents because they make it easier to see for motorists driving at night. Besides, night lights also help to promote night activities, such as movie theaters, bars, and restaurants, and provide a safer activity environment. Moreover, they can also help with sensory development in children and the elderly as they can help with their circadian rhythms. Studies have also found that nightlights can help to reduce the fear of the dark in young children and make them feel more secure and safe. Overall, night lights have their benefits and advantages but they are still various drawbacks to be considered. Bright night lights can also lead to excessive light pollution, which can interfere with the natural environment, disrupt the sleep patterns of animals and human beings, and have a negative effect on health. Thus, when using night lights, its important to be aware of how much light you need and use and make sure its not too bright. Night lights can do wonders to light up the night and brighten up your life and activities, if you use them responsibly.
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